Reflexology is a non-invasive complementary therapy.
It is based on the theory that the different organs and systems of the body are mapped to different areas on the feet and hands.
Reflexologists believe that working these areas can have an energetic effect on the corresponding organs and systems, bringing balance and self-healing.
By stimulating thousands of nerve endings in the feet, regular reflexology treatments can help clients to achieve deep relaxation.
In this meditative state, the body is able to self-heal and it will produce endorphins which help to reduce feelings of pain. Tailored treatment programmes are very effective at helping to relieve symptoms associated with depression, stress and anxiety.
Reflexology encourages accumulated toxins to be effectively eliminated, the immune system boosted and hormones rebalanced, which improves our overall sense of wellbeing because all the systems of the body are stimulated to function more effectively.
What is Reflexology ?
Video ©2013 Association of Reflexologists.
Original located here.